Girl - Kat Angus

Standing Man - Andrew James

Music Engineering - Chris Tse

Direction & Editing - Rajeev Mishra


length: 3 min
Year of Production: 2001
Format: VHS and Digital 8
Premier: 9th July - Wellington Fringe Festival

  • The Director wishes to make contact:

First of all, thanks to marvelous Kat Angus and her family who allowed me to use their house as my film set (greatly appreciated). Thanks to the spectacular Andrew, for being a very impressive silhouette (I know you didn't have any lines - it wouldn't work if you did!). And finally, big shout outs to the astounding Chris "musicman" Tse for the use of his Imac for editing and for providing the music that makes this picture what it is. Also thanks to all the people who I know who weren't there, for supporting me in my movie making endeavors. Word. Peace Out.

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the most? Could you
imagine another place
like it? Or is this place...
beyond your IMAGINATION?



Copyight 2001 NB Films LTD