A few lines composed at a beach, while viewing the gentle ocean from my rocky pearch.
There are many rocks along this shoreline,
A large sentinel watches over it.
The seaweed teases itself about, like some wondering twine
But the rocks, they do not know how to knitHow long have I sat here?
All the seagulls have flown away
It has been too many a year,
Even though yesterday was a new day.I am the land
The sea pushes it's might
Against my body, against my hand
And at first, I put up a fightBut as the night goes on
I see the oyster wash along the coast
To the sea, it's almost gone
And I back away, because I can't boast.She seemed so willing
"But there's a footprint in the sand"
And it wasn't very impressing
The waves rip it with a powerful handThe oyster washes away along the shore
And maybe the battle lines should be redrawn,
Maybe the shell will return to me once more
But I don't think so, because all the rocks are tornIn the depths a pearl shines,
As I sit, atop the rocks, full of contemplation
Now I can see all of the lines
And I think to myself, "This is my revelation"
Rajeev Mishra (21.10.00)